How You Can Stay Healthy Even When It Feels Impossible

Statistics show that the vast majority of American adults are overweight or obese — and kids and teens aren’t too far behind. Three-quarters of men and more than 60 percent of women are struggling to maintain a healthy weight, mainly due to reasons such as bigger portions, inactivity, and even poor mental health. Of course, another main contributor to unhealthy habits is a jam-packed schedule filled with personal, family, and work obligations — but that’s no excuse to drop the ball.

It is still possible to get and stay healthy even when it feels like an epic feat. Here’s how to get back on track and stay there.

Prepare Healthy Meals Ahead Of Time

Between not feeling like cooking and eating out for lunch during work hours, it can be easy to rack up the calories by grabbing unhealthy convenience foods. Do yourself (and your waistline) a favor by taking one afternoon to prepare a week’s worth of meals — yes, it’s possible. Start by creating a plan that includes three meals per day plus snacks. Don’t go crazy by trying to schedule meals with lots of ingredients. Keep it simple yet tasty so you don’t fall off the wagon. Next, pre-chop ingredients such as vegetables and fruits for salads. Make sure any main dishes are freezable and packed into individual portion sizes so they’re easy to reheat.

Don’t think you’re doing yourself any favors by skipping meals. While you may initially shed some pounds, it’s likely that it’s muscle and not fat, so your metabolism will start to slow. Other risks include nutritional imbalance, risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, skipping exercise due to lethargy, and an impaired immune system.

Hit The Gym Or Set Up An At-Home Workout Space

Joining a gym or pre-paying for classes at a fitness studio is a good way to keep you accountable to working out because you’re making a financial investment. There are several facilities that offer quick, express workouts — oftentimes at lunchtime or in the morning before work — so you can maximize your caloric burn, improve your form, and challenge your body in new ways in a short amount of time.

If you can’t make it to the gym, set up a home workout space so you can banish any excuses to work up a sweat. Take extra care to clear as much of a room as you can, because if there is too much clutter or too many distractions, your attention is more likely to stray from your workout to your to-do list. Once you have your space ready to go, invest in basic equipment such as kettlebells, dumbbells, resistance bands, a medicine ball, BOSU Balance Trainer, and a yoga mat to ensure you have everything you need to get a full-body workout.

Get Enough Shuteye

Sleep is one of the most basic elements of self-care, but if you’re skimping on it because you’re too busy, it’s time to make a greater effort to get ample shut-eye. Not only will you be more productive during the day, you’ll also prevent illness and disease and lose weight. Studies show poor sleep is a major risk factor for weight-gain and obesity. Not to mention, it can increase your appetite, decrease your resting metabolism, and negatively impact your ability to fight cravings and make healthy choices, thus increasing your caloric intake.

Make a sleep schedule that includes bedtime and wake-up times, and stick to it. Unplug at least one hour before bedtime, avoid stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine) six hours prior to sleeping, and turn your bedroom into a sanctuary by investing in items such as a quality mattress and blackout shades.

Stress can also make it difficult to make healthy decisions while taking a toll on mental health, so make an effort to meditate. Mindfulness meditation can be extremely effective for stress-relief and relaxation. Focus on all of the five senses during your practice might take some getting used to, but it will help you maximize the experience.

Photo Credit: Pixabay