Three Steps to Achieving Growth in Your Career This Spring

Spring is the perfect time for change. It’s when you see new growth on trees, and flowers are in bloom. Many of us see that as a sign to reach for growth in our own lives. This is why spring is the perfect time to focus on positive change in your career. For some of us, career growth means taking a step forward in our work, while others may realize it’s time for a complete overhaul. Either way, this is the perfect time to take that next step.

Step 1 – Put Your Best Self Out There

Whatever your next move is, the first thing you need to do is make sure the image you’re putting forward, whether on your resume, online, or in person, is positive and professional. Start by taking a look at your resume and seeing where it can be tweaked to emphasize your new direction and most recent accomplishments. According to, you should consider the style of your resume and how you can be intentional with the use of keywords so they’re picked up by online application systems.

Your online reputation is another thing to be aware of before interviewing for a new job. These days, it’s essential to have an optimized online reputation management plan to make sure you’re presenting your best self online. This is especially important if you have ever been attacked online by a hate website or scam. If you can prove the attack is based on lies or illegal, it’s a good idea to get the help of legal professionals and an online analysis team. They may be able to discover the identity of the attackers so you can take legal action, with the possibility of getting the content removed. 

Even if you haven’t had any issues that you’re aware of, the way you are found (and seen) online can make a huge difference in your job prospects. You want to make sure a search engine turns up the most professional sources when recruiters search for your name. 

Step 2 – Find Your Direction

The Muse explains how there are three phases to making a career change, and some of these also apply when you’re looking to make a shift within your current field. These phases are (1) fear of uncertainty, (2) overcoming uncertainty, and (3) embracing fear and turning it into an asset. Wherever you are, you may see yourself somewhere in one of these phases, and knowing where you fall on this journey can help give you direction for how to move forward. 

If you’re just starting to think about making a change, you may still be in the fear-of-uncertainty phase. This is a good time to look closely at signs that you may be stuck. Maybe you feel like you aren’t challenged, or you feel like your work is no longer meaningful. These are signs that it’s time to make a change.

Step 3 – Start Moving Forward

Moving forward is the best way to overcome fear and work toward your new career goals. Change doesn’t happen all at once. It takes baby steps to get started on the right path. Once you know where you’re headed, consider what you need to get there. Do you need to take classes to develop new skills? Maybe you can volunteer or get an internship to help get a foot in the door. While exploring what new skills you need, don’t undervalue those you already have. You may be surprised by how many transferable skills you have that will help you reach that next step.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t try to make this move on your own. Connect with someone who can serve as a mentor, whether that’s someone within your own network or someone you reach through outside channels. 

All of these steps, from finding a mentor to sprucing up your online presence, are essential to the overall process of achieving growth. Change can be scary, but fear is no reason to stay stuck. One step is all it takes to get over the first hurdle and start moving toward growth.

Photo credit: Pixabay